And we won't become one

Red Stone is a collective of free, likeminded dirtbags who live for motorcycles and skateboarding. Combining those two lifelong passions and the culture behind them is our perspective of the world. We want to inspire and motivate people around us to go skate, build a chopper and to live free. Our way of inspiring is through documenting this so-called experience of life in a way that’s true to who we are and how we see the world. But being free requires money, and up until today we’ve made none. No corporate sponsors or donors here. The Red Stone Co. is 100% pure, raw, independent, creative making paid from our own pockets. Instead of selling out to some blood sucking corporate business, we decided to create material possessions you can wear to support. Help us continue to grow and to keep you stoked by wearing Red Stone.

Where does the money go?

Directly towards buying and developing film, building choppers, , designs, funding road trips – and yeah, probably paying rent too!


If you've landed on this page, I love you, and thank you for the support!


Sustainable shredding - 2% for the planet!

There’s nothing that gets us more stoked than to go skating or jump on the chopper on a sunny day and take a road trip through the mountains. This is all possible thanks to our planet and its insanely beautiful habitat that we all love to explore, share and shred. 

That’s why we created “Sustainable Shredding”. Sustainable shredding means that we donate 2% of our yearly revenue to local grassroots initiatives that either support our culture or badass people trying to save our damn planet! Whether you need help to build your local skatepark, the chopper garage needs a new lift or your “Stop the hotel construction - Save our beach”-initiative needs help - we’d be stoked to support!

Click on the button below to learn more about Sustainable Shredding and to nominate someone!